We wanted to share Richard Comiskey’s story with you and why he created WeGotTeez. He’s an awesome guy, a veteran, and a real pro-business American.
Here’s his biography. We hope you’ll find him as inspiring as we do:
After getting out of the Marines in 2010, Richard Comiskey started his t-shirt printing business called We Got Teez.
For a little of background, he has done a lot of odd jobs right out of high school and managed to fall into a t-shirt printing business called Little Oscars in South Haven, MI.
In 2001, Richard got tired of the small-town life. So, he moved to Kalamazoo, MI, where he had worked doing screen-printing for a lot of the major companies in the local area.
Right around 2004 is when he felt the desire to branch out and take on a more leadership role and at the same time serve his country. So, on January 3rd of 2005, he signed on the dotted line for the United States Marines. There he served as a Communications Technician. Basically, that is a fancy way of saying that he was an electrician that worked on radios.
Throughout these 5 years, he had the privilege to serve and was sent to Japan, Thailand, and South Korea. That helped to reinforce his love for America and his understanding of how good we have it over here.
In late 2010, his contract was up and he had to decide whether to reenlist or to part ways.
With this fork in the road, he had to make a decision: Re-enlist and keep on doing what he loved or get out and make sure that he was there for his newborn son. So, in 2010, he left the Marines and moved to Grand Rapids, MI to start his own t-shirt printing business. It took a big leap of faith to start his t-shirt printing business in a small 2 stall garage. Times were tough at the beginning of the recession, but he managed to find a new dream: to serve others and provide the best custom t-shirts in Grand Rapids. It was going to be a long journey, but he was up for the challenge.
There were several times that he had to take on side jobs just to pay the bills. From scrapping metal, to delivering pizza and more. But there is one thing he knew, he could offer that no other t shirt printer could even touch, that was customer service. Most businesses nowadays lack the desire to care about the customer. They just look at the next job as a number. He takes every order personally and makes sure that it is completed correctly and on time. There were several nights where he was up until 3 or 4 in the morning just to make sure that the job was completed for the customer on time. When he was asked what was the reason for his success, he would say without a doubt that it was because of the privilege he had to be able to serve great customers.
In his own words, “I have never sold a t-shirt in my life, but what I have sold is a guarantee that you will have your order completed on time just the way you want it.''
So bringing it to 2017, the business is now located in Jenison, MI, in a building that is about 5 times the size of the garage he started out of. Instead of only being able to serve a handful of customers, we have grown to a much bigger size where they are able to serve many more times that.
In conclusion - “I would say that what makes We Got Teez stand apart from other t-shirt printers is their dedication to the customer!” - Richard
We are open: Monday - Saturday, 10AM - 5PM
4370 Chicago Dr SW Suite 168
Grandville, MI 49418
Phone: (616) 323-9543
© 2025 We Got Teez.
We Got Teez